
These Waves of Girls


These Waves of Girls, an exploration of memory, girlhood, cruelty, childhood play and sexuality, was awarded the International Electronic Literature Award for Fiction (New York) and is considered to be a foundational work in digital literature. Critic Larry McCaffery described Waves as “by turns, tender, terrifying, erotic, lyrical, witty, surprising –and always emotionally engaging.” The novella was selected by the Library of Congress archiving project, whose aim is to preserve important works of digital literature, for preservation as a key text in the field. Translated into Mandarin.

Select critical writing referencing this work:

2004 Creating Screen-Based Multiple State Environments: Investigating Systems of Confutation Donna Leishman

2003 Destination Unknown: Experiments in the Network Novel 

2012 Developing an Identity for the Field of Electronic Literature: Reflections on the Electronic Literature Organization Archives Scott Rettberg

2004 Disse bølger af erindringer: en analyse af Caitlin Fishers “These Waves of Girls” Raine Koskimaa 

2012 Exploiting Hypertext’s Potential for Teaching Gender Studies Maya Zalbidea Paniagua 

2014 Gender and Media UseRuth Page

2011 Hypertext in the Attic: The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Writing Andreas Kitzmann

2002 Hypertext: Merkmale, Forschung, Poetik Roberto Simanowski

2005 Hypertextual Fiction on the Internet: A Structural and Narratological Analysis Roman Zenner

2007 Letters That Matter: Electronic Literature Collection Vol 1 John David Zuern 

2017 Narrativity Daniel Punday 

2015 Posthyperfiction: Practices in Digital Textuality Scott Rettberg 

2008 Tekstspill i hypertekst. Koherensopplevelse ogsjangergjenkjennelse i lesing av multimodale hyperfiksjoner Hans Kristian Rustad

2004 These Waves of Memories: A Hyperfiction by Caitlin Fisher Raine Koskimaa
