Ithaca: Possible Worlds – 2017 (with Damon Loren Baker)exhibited at HASTAC Orlando recoded, redesigned, rewritten and remounted as an immersive VR piece “Always tomorrow’ for ELO 2019 in Cork, Ireland
“Possible Worlds: Ithaka” was a magic mirror augmented reality installation that positioned the viewer in the centreof a visual galaxy of40 small interactive spheres, suggestive of planets but textured with distorted images that resonate with the stories they hold within. This workused an innovative eye-tracking technology (advanced by Baker) as part of the work’s interface. The viewer interacts withthe spheres in any order to activate audio and unfold a time-twisting, gap-denying love story set in Berlin in the Weimar Republic with a tomorrow already speaking itself on the protagonists’ lips. We hope the piece resonates with the contemporary moment, too, closing the gap between histories and futures; the objects of our desires and our longing. It’s also a mediation on the power of poetry.